7 Tips to Reduce Heating Bills in Winter

It’s that time of year again — while most people are looking forward to holiday celebrations, many of us fear the high heating bills we will have to pay this winter.

This is a common problem for homeowners and small business owners alike, so it only makes sense to find some good ways to reduce your heating bills — especially if you have older or inefficient equipment.

Here are the seven best ways to cut down on your heating costs:

  1. Insulate Your Home

In the winter, heat escapes from a building through foundations and walls. Insulating with quality insulation can reduce this loss remarkably.

Ensuring that your basement is properly insulated is one of the most important things you can do to save money on heating costs.

Not only will this help prevent heat loss, but it also keeps humidity levels down, an essential factor in protecting your home from mold and mildew problems.

Top off insulation around exterior doors and windows and between floors if possible — these are other common sources of heat loss during the colder months.

  1. Change Furnace Filters at Least Once per Month

This may seem like a no-brainer, but many people find they can get away with changing their furnace filters less frequently than this without noticing any significant changes in the air quality in their homes.

Changing your furnace filters according to manufacturer specifications will go a long way towards keeping dust, dirt, and allergens at bay — which means that you are breathing in less of these irritants, making it easier for you to breathe all winter long!

Also, you should get new furnace installed if your old one is not in working condition.

  1. Get an Energy Audit

If you have not had your heating equipment inspected by a professional lately, now is the time to call someone out to take a look at what you are working with.

An energy audit is one of the most important steps towards finding new ways to cut down on your home’s heating bills.

By identifying areas where your boiler is losing heat, you can take steps to prevent that loss in the future.

Performing an energy audit also helps identify other potential sources of excessive heating costs — for example, appliances that are turned off but still drawing power can contribute to higher-than-necessary electric bills.

  1. Add Insulating Curtains in the Winter

During the winter months, curtains are typically drawn shut to keep cool air from seeping into your home through windows. However, doing so has the undesired effect of keeping out much-needed heat as well!

Adding insulating curtains will help reduce this problem while allowing you to save money on your heating bills at the same time.

Insulating shades have material between two layers of fabric to help absorb excess heat — keeping it in your home where you want it during the cold months.

  1. Use Heat Pumps During Warm Months

If you are looking for a way to keep energy bills down without compromising comfort, switching over from your furnace or boiler to a heat pump can be a great option.

Heat pumps can use both the air inside and outside of your home as sources for heating, cooling, and dehumidifying all in one unit that does not require any special ventilation or exhaust systems.

The only potential downside with this method is that if the temperature outside gets below freezing, this system will stop working until conditions improve. But when used during especially mild winter weather, many people report substantial energy savings as a result.

  1. Use Space Heaters Sparingly

Even if you are thinking of using space heaters as a way to keep some rooms warmer than others, consider buying ones with low wattage and thermostat settings — these will help reduce your overall heating bills.

If your goal is to save money on heating this winter without sacrificing comfort or convenience, the best idea is to become aware of ways to lose heat in your home and then take steps to stop those leaks from occurring.

  1. Turn Down the Water Heater

Many people forget to turn down their water heater when they are turning down the furnace, thinking that it is the same.

However, water heaters can be set significantly lower than this without sacrificing any of your hot water needs — think about how many times you actually need scalding hot water in a day.

The best ways to reduce your home’s heating bills are practices that you can implement year-round, not just during the colder months of the year.

By attending to each area where heat is being lost– whether it’s around windows and doors or through appliances that are turned off but still drawing power — you will see a positive impact on your energy costs right away!