Things to consider before buying a barbeque station for our home

A friendly reunion with colleagues after a busy schedule, beer in hands, music, dance, girls with bikini in swimming pool – how can anyone resist the presence of having an outdoor barbeque grill to taste smoky and juicy meet? An outdoor barbeque grill, or indoor built-in, or freestanding barbeque grill is the prettiest of kitchen appliance all.

What should you consider?

The first step in choosing a barbecue is to evaluate the available space and the infrastructure offered. Those who live at home and have ample free space can bet on a pre-molded and fixed model, in addition to creating a fully planned environment. With plenty of space, they even become an important part of the decoration of the beloved Barbecue Area. If you consider traditional concrete and brick grill, only a professional must build it.

However, not everyone has the opportunity of having an outdoor space. For them, buying a freestanding barbeque grill is better. For those who have a veranda, or a garden area, buying a larger outdoor barbeque unit is ideal. The size of the barbeque station depends on the size of area you have, from medium to large. If you have ample space in your home, you can fit a built-in barbeque station.

Measurement and style

It also needs to meet the specific measurements and standards of each model, such as the size of the mouth, the depth of the brazier, thermal insulation, etc. Currently, the market offers a very wide range of gas grills that can be built-in in planned environments. It is an excellent option for those looking for a more modern look. It is important, in addition to the design of the part, also to evaluate its functions.

For those who do not want to carry out a renovation at home, but have a backyard, it is possible to buy a portable barbecue. When choosing a detachable piece, it is easy to carry it and store it in some room of the house. The cutting board on the side can also make food preparation easier. Before researching the price, the tip is to find out which material will be more durable in everyday life. We recommend stainless steel and cast aluminum grills, as they are metals that do not oxidize and are more resistant to the heat of the brazier. The main mistake is to think that ‘it’s all the same.

Options for apartments

Those who live in an apartment are also entitled to barbecue. However, many condominiums have a very high smoke restriction to avoid friction between neighbors. In this case, the recommendation is to bet on electric barbecues, which have a water reservoir below the heat resistance so that the smoke does not spread. Many customers complain that the meat does not taste the same as in a conventional charcoal or wood brazier. The suggestion is to use liquid smoke. Just one spray and that smoky taste will be very evident and you will be able to enjoy your ‘apartment barbecue’ with great pleasure.

Another advantage is the ease of transport

You can install it in the kitchen sink and you will not have to worry about smoking your entire apartment. It is still important to check the point of the outlet. As for the portable barbecue on the balcony, it is necessary to consult the condominium rules.