Household dust are tiny particles that can add up to big problems. Dust may look harmless, but look at it more closely and you are likely to see nasty components such as dust mites, dust mite excrement, pollen, toxic chemicals, and other materials that can cause discomfort, trigger allergies, or even cause or worsen serious illness.
The accompanying resource points out that the average house accumulates over 40 lbs. of dust every year. Dust can be found anywhere in the home, but your closet is one place you definitely want to keep dust to a minimum. Closet dust can get into your clothes; then, you get into your clothes; and then dust mites and toxic chemicals might get into you. Not good.
Of course, no amount of reorganization or decluttering can deliver permanent freedom from dust. It’s extremely important to dust and clean closet surfaces thoroughly and regularly. Closets are easily overlooked in the cleaning routine; nevertheless, closet dust can still get on clothes and personal items. A clean closet is a major step forward toward a cleaner bill of health! For more closet cleaning help, check out the resource.
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